Typing Service

Currently available only for English, Hindi and Marathi languages

Handwriting to Word Retyping

Images (PNG / JPEG) to Word

PDF to Word Typing Service

Video & Audio Transcription


₹ 40 per page*


₹ 60 per page*


₹ 80 per page*

* Page definition: 1 page is 500 words single spaced, 250 words double spaced, Font: Times New Roman, Size: 12 (Kruti Dev font, Size: 14 for Hindi and Marathi)

** We make your document look virtually appealing by changing font size, spacing, margins, alignment and adding columns, lists, etc.

*** We correct, condense and organize all sentences so that you get a consistent, accurate and complete work.

Want Us to Type Your Manuscript?

Have questions?

Get in touch with us. We would love to here from you. For inquiries related to availing our typing services, please write us at inquiries@adventpublishing.in

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