Dr. Sudarshan Awasthi

Dr. Sudarshan Awasthi

Head, English Department, Navgan Shikshan Sanstha Rajuri's Arts and Science College, Chousala

Dr. Sudarshan Subhash Awasthi is serving as the head of the English department in Navgan Shikshan Sanstha Rajuri’s Arts and Science College Chousala. He is also working as IQAC coordinator in the institute. He is the recipient of many national and international level awards for his contribution to educational and Research fields. Dr. Awasthi has participated in many National, International, and state-level seminars, conferences and workshops.

He has presented many papers at National and International seminars and conferences. He also renders his service as a resource person in the respective field.

He has edited the book “Literature, Society, Culture and Social Studies: An Explorations,” published by Advent Publishing.

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