New Frontiers in Entomology
(Vol. 2)

About the Book
This volume aims to cover significant developments in the field of entomology.
Title: New Frontiers in Entomology (Vol. II)
Editors: Dr. Sudarshan Pedge and Dr. Kamin Alexander
ISBN: 978-93-95369-51-0
Book language: English
Publisher: Advent Publishing
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Agriculture and insect
- Insect behaviour
- Biological control of insects pests of trees
- Biological control of insects pests of livestock
- Food and forage crops are threatened by insects and mite species
- Pests of alfalfa, corn, dry beans
- Pests of sorghum, soybean, wheat and sugar beets
- Forensic entomology
- Insect ecology
- Population dynamics of insects
- Microclimatic influences on insects
- Trophic level relationship of insects
- Horticulture crops
- Insect pest management
- Insect resistance to pesticides
- Insect systematic
- Insecticide toxicology
- Environmental toxicology
- Insects genetics
- Plant and insect interactions
- Pollinator health
- Veterinary entomology

Dr. Sudarshan S. Pedge
HOD and Assistant Professor
Department of Zoology
Kai. Rasika Mahavidyalaya Deoni
Dist. Latur 413 519 (MH) INDIA

Dr. Kamin Alexander
Assistant Professor
Department of Biological Sciences
Sam Higginbottom University of Agriculture,
Technology and Sciences
Prayagraj 21107 (UP) INDIA
Important Dates
January 15, 2024
January 20, 2024
January 25, 2024
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- Title of the Chapter (Times New Roman 12; Bold, Capital; Justify)
- Authors Mark * for the Corresponding Author(s).
- Affiliations
- E-mail address of Corresponding Author(s)
- Abstract and Keywords
- Introduction
- Chapter content
- References
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