Emerging Trends and Technologies in Library and Information Services - Vol. 1

About the Book
This volume aims to cover emerging trends and technologies in library and information services, which will be helpful for LIS professionals and library community in keeping up-to-date of recent trends and technologies arising in libraries.
ISBN: 000-00-00000-00-0
Book language: (Multilingual) English & Hindi
Number of pages: 000
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Web 2.0 and Web 3.0 and its Applications in Library Services
- Capacity Building of Library and Information Professionals
- QR Code based Library Management System
- Trends in Library Management
- Smart Library Management System using QR Code
- Transformations and Innovations in Libraries
- Security Systems in Libraries
- Open Access, OPAC and Digital Library Services
- Application of Open Source Software in Library and Information Services.
- Use of ICT in Libraries
- Use of Social Media, Social Networking Service, Blogs, Wikis and Other Tools in Libraries
- ICT for Marketing Library Services
- Use and Impact of Social Networking Sites on Teaching Learning and Library Services.
- Impact and Applications of ICT On Education in the Present Digital Scenario
- Applications of Bar Code, RFID, Quick Response (QR) Code, Blog, Google Suite, WhatsApp, Zoom, MS Team, YouTube and Other Similar Applications for Library Services.
- Challenges in managing e-resources in libraries
- Transformation in Libraries and Expectations of Users from the Libraries in the Digital Age
- E-resources, Institutional Repositories and Digital Archives
- Use of Mobile Technology Applications in Library services and Knowledge Management
- Mobile technologies and applications in libraries
- Preservation, digital archieving, self-archiving, web archiving in digital libraries
- Big data and cloud technologies in libraries
- Open Source Software and Libraries
- Sustainable libraries – Green Libraries and other sustainability matters
- e-Governance and libraries
- Data warehouses, data mining, artificial intelligence for digital libraries
- Block chain, robotics, automation in libraries
- Digital library, digital library architecture, institutional repositories
- Digital fabrication in libraries, makerspace in libraries
- Libraries in meta verse, virtual library, future trends in digital libraries
- Use of social media and social networking sites for library services

Sinha M. K.
Professor and HOD
Department of Library and Information Science
Assam University, Silchar
788 011 (AS) INDIA
Email: mksinha1965@gmail.com

Gireesh Kumar T. K.
Assistant Professor
Department of Library and Information Science
Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi
221 005 (UP), INDIA
E-mail : gireesh@bhu.ac.in

Aldarthi R. R.
Assistant Professor
Department of Library and Information Science
Assam University, Silchar
788 011 (AS) INDIA
E-mail : rajesh.rangappa.aldarthi@aus.ac.in
- Former Librarian @ Jain Vocational and Advance Studies, (JIVAS) Bangalore
- Former Assistant Librarian @ Infosys Pvt. Ltd. Mysore
- Former Information and Archiving Officer, DNA Newspaper, Bangalore
- Former Assistant Librarian, Tezpur University, Tezpur
Important Dates
December 10, 2022
December 20, 2022
December 23, 2022
December 28, 2022
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- Title of the Chapter (Times New Roman 12; Bold, Capital; Justify)
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