Author Profile

Professor (Dr.) Anant J. Dhembare (Ph.D.)

Professor (Dr.) Anant J. Dhembare (Ph.D.)

Padmashri Vikhe Patil College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Pravaranagar, At-Loni, Ahmednagar, (MS) India

Professor (Dr.) Anant J. Dhembare is an experienced researcher and an ardent teacher. After taking his doctorate degree from Shivaji University, Kolhapur he joined the Pravara Rural Education Society’s Padmashri Vikhe Patil College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Pravaranagar (Loni), Tal- Rahata, Dist Ahmednagar. He received his M Sc (Zoology) degree in 1987 and Ph D in the same subject and University. He joined as lecturer in 1993 and thereafter served as I/C Principal (2004-07), in Arts, Commerce, and Science College, Ashwi, Tal- Sangamner, Dist. Ahmednagar. He has 30 years of teaching experience to UG and PG students in Zoology.

He has published more than 134 research papers in national and international journals. Besides, he has published 75 popular scientific articles in Marathi newspapers, Weekly and Magazines. One student awarded; two students are pursuing Ph. D. work. He has published 14 books related to SPPU, Pune and YCMOU, Nashik. He participated and presented research papers at several national and international conferences. He is an editorial board member of the International Organization of Scientific Research and a recognized guide for the above-mentioned subjects.

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