Dr. Inamdar Tabassum has authored “New Perspectives on Contemporary Indian Writing in English”, published by Advent Publishing

Dr. Tabassum M. Inamdar (M.A., B.Ed., M. Phil., Ph.D.)
Assistant Professor, Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Georai, Dist Beed (MS) India
She is working as an Assistant Professor of English and IQAC Coordinator at Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Georai, Dist Beed (MS). She has 18 years of teaching experience. Apart from this, she has received two National Best Teacher awards. Her areas of interest are Feminism, Dalit Studies, Asian literature, and Post - Modernism. She has edited a book entitled "Contemporary Indian Women Novelists: Reviews and Discussions." She has worked as a Guest Editor for the UGC care-listed journal "Sanshodhak". She has actively participated in more than 20 Seminars, Conferences, and Symposiums. She has published 18 research papers in different national and International Journals.