About the Book
The proposed book will cover chapters from key areas of life sciences.
Book Title: Innovative Discoveries in Life Sciences
Volume: 1
Editor: Dr. Sudarshan S. Pedge
ISBN: 978-93-95369-40-4
Language: English
Publisher: Advent Publishing
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Aquatic–terrestrial interactions, i.e., inter-connections among terrestrial, inland aquatic, and marine ecosystems
- Aquatic biodiversity and ecosystem functioning, with a focus on the functional consequences of biodiversity loss
- Aquatic food webs and biotic interactions in planktonic and benthic communities
- Eco-physiological responses to stressors
- Ecological responses to global change, including climate change
- Beneficial and harmful microbials in water and air
- Fish and dairy microbial
- Microbial enzymology
- Soil health and nutrient cycling
- Plant–microbe dynamics
- Crop pathogens
- Gut microbiology in humans and farm animals
- Food spoilage, food safety and human diseases
- Waste reduction and management
- Novel methods, molecular biology of microbial
- Saline microbial, oral microbial, eye microbial, vaginal microbial
- Parasite biology, development and evolution
- Parasite genetics and genomics
- Parasite host response and immune evasion
- Parasite physiology
- Protozoa, arthropods, helminths, nematodes, cestodes, trematodes, fish, poultry parasites and disease
- Human parasitological and infectious disease, invasive host parasites
- Aquatic diseases & immunity
- Coastal economies & recreation
- Fish microbiology
- Role of innovative technology in fisheries and aquaculture
- Sustainable fisheries & aquaculture: challenges and strategies
- Marine bio-energy and algal biofuels
- Climate change and marine biotechnology
- Marine proteins and biomaterials
- Marine microbiology and biotechnology
- Marine environmental impact and risk assessment
- Production and application of microbial metabolites
- Enzyme technologies
- Drugs and pharmaceutical technology
- Food processing technology
- Value added products from industrial byproducts
- Environmental chemistry
- Waste management and treatment methods
- Modelling of environmental processes
- Marine drugs, bioactive compounds and nutraceuticals
- Marine genomics, metagenomics and bioinformatics
- Marine microbiology and biotechnology

Dr. Sudarshan S. Pedge
HOD and Assistant Professor
Department of Zoology
Kai. Rasika Mahavidyalaya Deoni
Dist. Latur 413 519 (MH) INDIA
E-mail: pedge.sudarshan83@gmail.com
Important Dates
July 30, 2024
August 10, 2024
August 14, 2024
Author Guidelines
Advent Publishing serves as an ideal international platform to publish book chapters in edited books. Maintaining high academic and production standards is our priority. Manuscripts received would be thoroughly assessed.
The manuscript should be prepared in Microsoft Word. It must be typed in A4 size (font size 12) in 1.5 space in single column with at least one-inch margin on all sides. Authors should submit single word files that contains the following information:
- Title of the Chapter (Times New Roman 12; Bold, Capital; Justify)
- Authors Mark * for the Corresponding Author(s).
- Affiliations
- E-mail address of Corresponding Author(s)
- Abstract and Keywords
- Introduction
- Chapter content
- References
It should be within limit of 10-15 pages
All submitted manuscripts should contain original work neither published previously nor under consideration for publication elsewhere.
900/- for sole author & 1200 for multiple authors, to be paid while submitting the manuscript. (The fee includes an electronic version of the book and e-certificate for authors). After publication, the book will be made available for purchase on Advent Publishing Online Bookstore.
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